last year halloween
雖然豐盛的晚餐才是餐桌的主角,但是餐桌佈置可絕不是可有可無的選擇。 上一年選了這黑白灰三個顏色做主題,用了白色嘅南瓜加灰色嘅餐碟,再加上一些南瓜點綴來迎合節日嘅氣氛。能夠恰到好處營造了神秘又浪漫的節日氣氛。 我們選擇優良嘅食材,段練自己嘅烹飪技巧,卻容易忽略餐桌上微小的...
Charity event @ The helena may
enjoyed so much for the charity event today at The Helena May thankyou for coming and all msgs😍😍 always thk you for supporting. and...
An order
An order by a #corporateclient. thankyou for order as usual. a very nice #teaset with name and date printed. a very unique and...
thai style
we prepared our elephant #teapot and brought it to #thailand. i used 2 days to paint this. very similar to thai #benjarong traditional...
thai style
we prepared our elephant #teapot and brought it to #thailand. i used 2 days to paint this. very similar to thai #benjarong traditional...