Picnic Basket Rental
人氣巴黎風野餐籃現可供租用 Basket Rental Service 秋意漸濃🍁是時候和閨蜜一起到郊外野餐,享受陽光,呼吸大自然的氣息。 *野餐籃*-野餐的靈魂,除了美觀和為野餐增添正式感外,它的實際功能就是能把所有野餐工具和食物收納好,方便攜帶,令你能優雅地赴野餐之...

Charity event @ The helena may
enjoyed so much for the charity event today at The Helena May thankyou for coming and all msgs😍😍 always thk you for supporting. and...

macaron style
love these #pastel #sweetstyle , a pen and #tablelamp

smoky blue
a #teaware newly made

Our picnic setting class
We had an indoor picnic on last week.