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A 3 Layers 10cm Square Container with the Special made Wooden Packing


Our porcelain Ojyuu is petite and elegant, and it can be an art piece of your sweet home, adding some oriental sweet elements to your living place. You can utilize your creativity to make it stylish and at the same time, with a scent of traditional Japanese blessing. You can either use it as candy box during Chinese New Year, or use it as your little jewelry box. The Ojyuu is also a good handcraft gift idea for your beloved ones. Your friends must be surprised that they have such a talented friend, sending them a delicate handmade Ojyuu which is full of blessings.



今年已經是我們第9年推出全盒班。新春將至,想親手造一個獨一無二、完全屬於自己的全盒過農曆新年嗎?陶瓷和風全盒小巧清雅,能點綴家居,為家中帶來一片日系風景。有客人到訪拜年時拿出來款客,大方得體。和風全盒體積纖巧,小家庭也很適合喔~ 平日用來放手飾小物也很合適的!除了放在家中自用,親手造一個全盒給摯愛親朋,他們定必能感受到你的心思、心意!課堂費用已包括所有材料費和燒焗費,課堂沒有時間限制,同學可在無時間壓力的環境下發揮創意,創作自己的和風全盒。除了可享受創作精緻全盒的過程外,亦可以讓自己靜下來慢慢享受優雅的時光、感受美麗的事物。和風全盒

Oriental Square Box お重箱(角)

  • All sales are final, We do not accept returns or exchanges

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